🧑‍🚀Parsing manual


Go to OpenSea:

Now let's define the collection from which we will parse our victims.

We need to go to the section "Top collections for all time":

Now we have a list of top collections in front of us, from them you need to choose the ones you like the most.

💡 I do not advise beginners to take too popular and expensive collections as their audience is already resistant to scams, when you gain enough experience can already try to work on them.

The collection is best selected by cost per item.

It is best that its value is not less than 1 ETH.

For this example, we have chosen the Moonbirds collection:

Go to their page on OpenSea, find a link to their Twitter and go to it:.

Now we need to go into either subscribers or subscriptions and find the holder of that collection - who has a checkbox, an ava with that nft and a OpenSea binding to Twitter. Another option is a hexagonal avatar with the NFT -- this is a direct indicator that the person 100% owns that NFT.

Some collections are hard to find such a holder - so, look either by the first example listed above, or if it's really hard - look for another collection.

Here we are met with the same kind of holders.

Your task is to subscribe to them and wait for them to subscribe back to you. And only then write to them.

Preferably check profiles by hovering your mouse over the profile - this way you have less chance to fall for a scammer like you.

To prevent your account from being shadow-banned:

  • Warm it up well in advance, and don't stop warming it up while it's still alive;

  • Don't kill it with too much subscriptions - 150-200 per day will be enough. And of course, make breaks between approaches - 20-30 subscriptions per approach.

  • Don't spam with the same message - make 3-5 variants and alternate them.

When you are mutually subscribed to, do not immediately unsubscribe - it is better to go to the profile and try to determine whether it is a real holder or a fake - so you will not lose time and effort to find the same scammer who just decided to troll you.

Last updated