
(Guide from our worker)

  1. Using any password cutter, pull the wp-login/wp-admin request from any logs (even from a public there will be a lot of validity)

  2. Run for validity with the software for url:login:pass

  3. Checking valid strings for attendance

  4. Go to the admin area of the site, take the url itself and add: /wp-login.php /wordpress/wp-login.php /wp-admin/profile.php /wp-admin.php /wp-admin/user-new.php Any of these, enter only on valid data

  5. Download the necessary plugins Popup Maker and shortcode in the "Plugins" tab. Then activate them, in cases of error a) Update site engine b) Plugins conflict

  6. With the plugin "Popup Maker" create Popup(adverts), with the plugin "shortcode" create: buttons/tables etc.

You fill it in any way you want. A small code example:

Visit our sponsors. You can get free airdop

[su_button url="LINK" size="4" radius="20"]Visit[/su_button]







  1. Click Publish and our site is ready, where ads will be shown

This method will also bring traffic to the site, as its owner can buy adverts to his site = advertising your site

Last updated